Kalaam uses cutting-edge technology to help you understand Quranic Arabic - in a way that you'll never forget it. And it's 100% free.
Master new words with their Quranic context. Beautiful images showcase their range of meanings. Delve deeper to explore their usage throughout the Quran.
Ensure lasting recall with Kalaam's advanced spaced repetition, designed to prompt reviews just as you're on the brink of forgetting.

Track your milestones effortlessly with Kalaam. Stay inspired with daily nudges, maintain your streaks, and anticipate the thrill of competing on leaderboards with friends to win badges.
Experience the Quran come alive as you learn! Words shift in color and translations start to disappear, reflecting your growing understanding and confidence.
coming soon

Learn words from those surahs you've memorized before anything else.
Areeb Bajwa
Areeb Bajwa has been empowering the Muslim community from a young age through his groundbreaking apps like "Never Miss Fajr" and "ilmStream", which have enriched the lives of over half a million users.
Areeb's personal journey to understand the Arabic of the Quran revealed a gap in effective learning tools.
While navigating through numerous English-language programs, he felt the recurring sting of overwhelm and recognized a similar struggle among his peers. This collective experience sparked an idea: a need for a more intuitive and user-centric solution, hyper-focused to just the Quran.
Guided by this vision and his relentless pursuit for betterment, Areeb is on a mission to simplify and revolutionize the way we approach learning the language that Allah chose to convey His final message to mankind.
Do I have to know Arabic to use this app?
How can you make it free?
When will this app be in my language?
When will the app teach me grammar?
My score seems too high/too low
Why am I not giving multiple choice options when doing the lesson?
How can I review words I've learned?
Why do I see different types of flashcards?
The word highlighted in the example doesn't always match its translation. Why?
How can I help out?